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This link Provides full text access to more than 550 journals including over 500 peer- reviewed journals. PsycINFO Allmän databas som täcker svenska tidnings- och tidskriftsartiklar samt årsböcker . Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI). Databas inom humaniora med 5 Apr 2019 new PsycINFO users will show you efficient ways of finding what you're looking for using APA's research databases on a variety of platforms. APA PsycINFO This link opens in a new window Description of this database.
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832 Databases found. Clear Filters/Browse All Databases pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: APA PsycInfo. Bibliographical database on the history of the USA and Canada humanities collection of 18.030 Pathway/Genome Databases (PGDBs), plus software tools for exploring them (Karp17) science and PsycINFO info_outline. The leading ..
Utges av American Psychological Association (APA). Kräver I bibliotekets databaser kan du söka vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade i Psycinfo. Databas med inriktning mot psykologi och psykiatri.
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Du som är student eller anställd på Mittuniversitetet kan söka i databaserna både på campus och hemifrån. PsycINFO PsycINFO® är en omfattande referensdatabas med referentgranskat material inom beteendevetenskaper och psykisk hälsa. PubMed/Medline PubMed Information om databas. PsycINFO. Ämne: Pedagogik, psykologi och sociologi, Vård och medicin, Polisvetenskap Innehåll: Psykologi, pedagogik, psykiatri och Databaser A-Ö. Gå direkt till: CINAHL ClinicalKey Embase PsycINFO PubMed UpToDate.
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PsycINFO innehåller referenser till artiklar inom psykologi och angränsande ämnesområden, som medicin, psykiatri, sociologi m.m. Databasen indexerar
PsycINFO är en databas av sammanfattningar av litteratur inom psykologi . Den produceras av American Psychological Association och
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PsycINFO – Databas – Medicinska e-biblioteket
This quick reference guide will demonstrate how to search PsycINFO on ProQuest's platform in Advanced Search mode. Guide to the Fields in APA Database Records This is a guide to the PsycINFO fields and what they mean and/or what may be included in them. Academic Search Ultimate is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 10,021 full-text periodicals, including 9.017 peer-reviewed journals. This database offers indexing and abstracts and other publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc. Here at UT we access PsycINFO on the EBSCO platform ; PsycINFO itself does not contain much full-text, most of the full-text we get comes through our other subscriptions (the “Find It @ UT” button will always connect you to full-text or request options when no PDF appears) PsycARTICLES. Full-text database of 117 journals (see coverage list) Covers professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines.
Tillgänglig inom Örebro universitet eller via 6 Dec 2017 Other specialized databases, such as CINAHL or PsycINFO, add unique references to some reviews where the topic of the review is related to PsycINFO is the most comprehensive index in psychology and related fields, with more than 1.7 million citations and abstracts of journal articles, book chapters 3 Dec 2020 PsycINFO Videos. The APA has produced a number of helpful video tutorials on how to search using PsycINFO via the EBSCO database 19 Jan 2017 For the APA databases, that list is the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms®, which includes more than 8,400 terms. APA staff typically A-Z Databases. Find the best library databases for your research. Toggle search Alternative Name(s) & Keywords: APA PsycArticles, APA PsycInfo.
PsycInfo can also be licensed through the following trusted providers: EBSCO; Ovid Technologies; ProQuest; Access to PsycInfo content is also available through ProQuest Dialog. APA Members & Individuals. PsycInfo is one of several APA research databases available through the following APA PsycNet ® personal subscription options: APA PsycNet Gold PsycINFO. Referensdatabas (med vissa fulltextlänkar) Referenser till tidskriftsartiklar, böcker, avhandlingar och forskningsrapporter inom psykologi och angränsande ämnen såsom psykiatri, sociologi, omvårdnad, pedagogik och antropologi.